Professional Services

Behavior Intervention Plan

Animal Behavior & Healing offers personalized service and support for your unique circumstances and your animal’s well being.

Whether your pet has a specific behavior problem, or needs basic obedience work for unruly behavior, Animal Behavior & Healing can help.

While there is no miracle cure for behavior problems and some may not be fully resolved, they may be managed successfully with our support.






  • Lunging, kicking, biting (bite threats)
  • Stall aggression; charging/barging
  • Fear of novel stimuli, electric trimmers
  • Mounting block difficulty
  • Compulsive behaviors: Stereotypy, cribbing, weaving
  • Inter- stall aggression, food guarding

Handling Problems

  • Trailer loading
  • Difficulty to saddle/bridle
  • Difficulty to shoe

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  • Separation anxiety
  • Thunder phobia
  • General noise phobia
  • Reactivity and fear, phobias
  • Fearful ( aggressive) behavior towards humans or other animals
  • Food/Resource guarding
  • Adoption Counseling

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  • Aggression
  • Biting
  • Screaming, loud vocalizations
  • Stereotypy; repetitive motion or movement, inability to connect with people or conspecifics

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Behavior Intervention Plan: Steps

The first step is to have your animal thoroughly examined by your veterinarian. Many behavior problems may have an underlying medical cause.

If your animal exhibits a problematic behavior, and you need help with it, please go to the contact page. You will find my email address and telephone number.

As no two animals are the same and their living conditions vary, we develop and customize all behavior intervention plans according your unique situation. Each plan includes:

  • Clearly identify and define behavior(s) requiring intervention
  • Define replacement behaviors to be taught
  • A detailed Behavior Intervention Plan summarizing each step
  • An implementation strategy, with specific training when needed
  • Recommendation regarding the involvement of your veterinarian
  • Personal follow up and continued consultation for a period of three months.
  • Support in fading the intervention plan as needed


Need assistance with your animals?

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